
Syllabus of Courses

Syllabus of Courses

Diploma in Music: One Year


  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • Ear Training & Sight-reading Music History
  • • Music Theory 1 Music Theory 2
  • • *Vocal Training 1 Choir / Group Conducting
  • • *Keyboard Training 1 *Keyboard Training 2
  • • *Guitar Training *Drum Training
  • • *Elective choices / emphasis are chosen by the student. Options include
  • • Guitar, keyboard, vocal, drum, etc.
  • • Diploma in Church Planting: One Year
  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • Old Testament Survey Contextualization & Missions
  • • New Testament Survey Storytelling
  • • Evangelism Strategies Indigenous Church Planting
  • • Discipling New Believers Strategy for Church Planting
  • • Anthropology for Missions Practicum


Bachelor of Ministry: 2 Years


First Year


  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • Born Again (Soteriology & Hamartiology) Spiritual Foundations
  • • Sharing Your Faith 1 New Testament Survey
  • • English Grammar 1 English Grammar 2
  • • Survey of the Bible Sharing Your Faith 2
  • • Old Testament Survey Biblical Hermeneutics


Second Year

  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • Understanding Prayer Intro. to Homiletics
  • • Leadership in Ministry 1 Leadership in Ministry 2
  • • Survey of Biblical Doctrines The Gospels
  • • Church Planting Church Planting Practicum
  • • Comparative Religions Ethics & Excellence


Bachelor of Theology: 3 years


Year 1

  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • Doctrine of Salvation and Humanity Spiritual Foundations
  • • Advanced English Research Methodology
  • • Geography of the Bible Doctrine of Revelation & God
  • • Sharing your Faith 1 Sharing your Faith 2
  • • Intro. to the Old Testament Intro. to the New Testament


Year 2

  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • Doctrine of Christ Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
  • • Church History Biblical Preaching 1
  • • Biblical Hermeneutics The Gospels & Acts
  • • Pentateuch Hist. of Israel
  • • Church Planting Principles Leadership in Ministry 1


Year 3

  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Last Things
  • • Biblical Preaching 2 Pastoral Care & Counseling
  • • Leadership in Ministry 2 General Epistles
  • • Major Prophets Minor Prophets
  • • Missiology Today Ministry Practicum
  • • Master of Theology: 2 years with B.Th


Year 1

  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • The Life of Christ Greek
  • • Advanced Biblical Preaching Biblical Basis for Missions
  • • Church History Modern Church History
  • • Poetry and Wisdom Books Prison Epistles
  • • Matthew and Mark Thesis Writing / Methodology


Year 2

  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • Hebrew Final Project / Thesis
  • • Modern Church History Christian Apologetics 2
  • • Christian Apologetics 1 Luke and John
  • • Contextualized Missions Christian Leadership
  • • Biblical Grand Narrative Missions Today
  • • Master of Divinity: 3 years with B.Th


Year 1

  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • The Life of Christ Beginning Greek
  • • Doctrine of Revelation Doctrine of God
  • • Doctrine of the Salvation Doctrine of the Church
  • • Christian Apologetics Defending Your Faith
  • • Pastoral Care and Counseling Church Planting 1


Year 2

  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • Greek 2 or Elective Beginning Hebrew
  • • Doctrine of Humanity Doctrine of Christ
  • • Church Planting Practicum Thesis writing / methodology
  • • Pentateuch & History of Israel Poetry & Wisdom Books
  • • Pauline Epistles Advanced Preaching


Year 3

  • • First Semester Second Semester
  • • Doctrine of the Holy Spirit & Trinity Doctrine of the Last Things
  • • Hebrew 2 or Elective Final Project / Thesis
  • • Leadership Ministry Pract. 1 Leadership Ministry Pract. 2
  • • Ministry Finance & Strategic Planning Discipleship in the Church
  • • Preaching Practicum Poetry & Wisdom Books Daniel & Revelation
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