
Fee Structure

Fee Structure

Fee Structure for On-Campus Students:


On-Campus Students Only Diploma in Music Diploma in Church Planting B. Min. / B.Th. M. Th. / M.Div. Total Fees 30,000/- 20,000/- 20,000/- 30,000/- 1st Instalment 15,000/- 10,000/- 10,000/- 15,000/- 2nd Instalment 15,000/- 10,000/- 10,000/- 15,000/- Fee Structure for Day Scholars and Correspondence: Correspondence and Day Scholars Only Diploma in Music Diploma in Church Planting B. Min. / B.Th. M. Th. / M.Div. Total Fees 24,000/- 16,000/- 16,000/- 24,000/- 1st Instalment 12,000/- 8,000/- 8,000/- 12,000/- 2nd Instalment 12,000/- 8,000/- 8,000/- 12,000

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